Vocal Cord Nodules
Polypoid degeneration of a vocal nodule
1. Nodule of the right vocal cord with signs of polypoid degeneration and hemorrhagic appearance. A smaller nodule on the left vocal cord. |
2. Cutting with microscissors along the upper surface of the vocal cord at the junction with the healthy mucosa. |
3. The nodule is grasped and dissected along its junction with the healthy mucosa towards the anterior commissure. |
4. The anterior border of the nodule is cut with microscissors.. |
5. Cutting along the upper surface of the nodule of the left vocal cord. |
6. Dissection of the posterior border. |
7. Dissection of the anterior border. |
8. Grasping the nodule and cutting its caudal surface. |
9. The larynx after the completion of the procedure. |