1. Right nasal cavity. The accumulation of the csf, colored by the infusion of fluorescein in the subdural space, can be discerned. |
2. Cutting the uncinate process prior to its removal. |
3. Creating the maxillary antrostomy. |
4. Removal of the bulla ethmoidalis. |
5. Opening the basal lamella of the middle turbinate. |
6. Entering the superior nasal meatus. The superior turbinate can be seen in contact with a large posterior ethmoidal cell. |
7. Removal of the anterior wall of the posterior ethmoidal cell. Its natural ostium is seen. |
8. Transection of the lower third of the superior turbinate. |
9. Enlargement of the sphenoidal ostium. |
10. After removal of the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus, a small meningocele is seen. |
11. Elevation of the mucosa around the neck of the meningocele. |
12. Continuing the removal of the bone lamella in the region of the posterior ethmoidal cells in contact with the skull base. |
13. Removal of the agger nasi cell to gain access to the frontal sinus. |
14. Leakage of csf colored with fluorescein in the area of the frontal recess. |
15. The point of leakage of csf in the roof of the suprabullar cell in proximity to the frontal sinus. |
16. Elevation of the mucosa around the margin of the bone deficit with a round knife. |
17. The bone deficit is seen. |
18.Removal of the meningocele of the sphenoid sinus with a sickle knife. |
19. Leakage of csf colored by the fluorescein from the bone deficit in the roof of the sphenoid sinus. |
20. Infusion of fibrin glue. |
21. Covering the area with a fascia lata graft. |
22. Covering the graft with absorbable material. |
23. Repeating the procedure with infusion of fibrin glue in the area of the defect of the suprabullar cell. |
24. Using the rest of the fascia lata graft. |
25. Covering the graft with absorbable material. |
26. Reposition of the axillary flap. |
27. Loose package with Vaseline gauzes. |